17 Ekim 2024

Tickle Spot

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I can pinpoint the exact day that things between us changed. We were both working as waiters in a steak restaurant, me to help pay for college, and him as a second job to make rent. I’m a 24 year old grad student working on a masters in computer engineering. Jared is 26, tall, dark and lanky. I’d been working at the restaurant for almost a year and he’d just been hired the month before. I was still showing him the ropes so to speak and we’d chat when business was slow. I get along pretty well with all of the staff; I’m easy going and I don’t get stressed out when it gets busy. I tend to be a calming presence and keep my sense of humor even when everyone else is running circles around each other.

Jared and I get on pretty well. I make him laugh and he tells me stories. We gossip about the customers and complain about the boss. In short, we were friendly but that was it. But one day, that changed.

It started when he poked me in the side. “Sorry to disappoint you but I’m not ticklish anymore,” I retorted. He raised his eyebrows and went, “oh?”

“Nope, my sister tickled it all out of me when I was a kid. She used to tackle me onto the ground and tickle me until I started screaming and my mom would yell at me from upstairs to be quiet. Eventually I became immune to tickling.”

“Really?” he said skeptically and tried again.

I just stared at him until he gave up and said, “wow, you really aren’t ticklish.”

“Nope. Well, except in one spot.” I commented while refilling a ketchup bottle.

“Where?” He asked.

I looked at him like he was nuts and said, “well I’m not going totellyou. And if you did touch me there I’d have to slap you.”

He looked intrigued. “Where? Tell me.”

I just ignored him and continued refilling the ketchup.

“Come on Cara, tell me. If not I’m going to have to find it myself,” he said.

“Then prepare to be slapped,” I reiterated.

He wouldn’t let it go and kept guessing but I wouldn’t answer him which just intrigued him even more.

At some point during the night I noticed that he kept scratching his shoulder and making faces. I asked him what was up with his shoulder and he told me that he’d gotten a new tattoo. I’d noticed the tattoo he has on the back of his hand on the web between his thumb and index finger (I’ve got a thing for tattoos even though I don’t have any myself) so I asked him how many tattoos he had.

“This my… fifth? Sixth?” He answered.

“Can I see it?” I asked excitedly.

We went into the back room and he instructed me either to pull up the back of his shirt or to pull down the collar. I tentatively tugged on it, afraid to irritate the sensitive skin but he lifted the back of it all the way up and showed me the large dragon on his upper left back and about three or four other tattoos lower down.

“Wow, how long did that one take?” I asked as he pulled down his shirt and fixed his tie.

“A few hours,” he replied. “Can you fix my collar in the back?”

I folded it down and we went back out to the front. There were still relatively few customers so he went back to asking me where I was ticklish.

“I haven’t had nearly enough alcohol to tell you all my secrets,” I told him. “That would require at least 4 drinks.”

“After 4 drinks you’d tell me?” He asked.

“Actually, after 4 drinks I’d probably be on the floor.”

“Oh. Well it doesn’t help me much if you’re that far gone,” he said.

“Oh, I’d tell you anything you wanted to know. I’d just do it from the floor.”

“Excellent, we’re going out for drinks Friday night,” he declared.

“Okay, I guess. But my last bus home is at 12:30,” I warned. I live too far away from the clubs and bars to make taking a cab back home financially viable.

“12:30?!” He exclaimed. “The clubs don’t get going until midnight! There’s no way you can get back home later than that?”

“Not really.”

He thought for a minute. “You can crash at my place Friday night if you want.”

“Ashley won’t mind if I crash on your couch?” I asked. He rented a room in one of our former waitress’ and her boyfriend’s apartment. I wasn’t sure aldatma porno how they’d react to finding me drooling on their couch in the morning stinking of everyone else’s cigarettes.

“You can sleep on the couch, on the roof, in my bed if you want. She won’t care,” he replied with a glint in his eye.

“Okay,” I said, ignoring the last part of his comment. I really didn’t want to get into anything I wasn’t ready for.

I’ll admit I’m not much of a drinker, and in fact I’ve never been drunk, but it had been a long, stressful week and I was ready to unwind. I was actually looking forward to getting out of the library for once and letting my hair down. I rarely ever get dressed up and wasn’t planning on going all out for this little excursion but Jared sent me a text message a few days later asking me what I was going to wear and telling me he couldn’t wait to see me in heels. I laughed when I read it wondering why he thought I would even own a pair of heels. I most certainly don’t own anything sexy and the feminist in me revolts at the idea of putting myself on display for men’s pleasure. I rolled my eyes and decided I’d compromise by wearing boots with a small heel and putting on some eyeliner. Maybe I’d even straighten my hair for the night.

Friday night finally came around and I got as dressed up as I get (I wore jeans and a short sleeved shirt with a wide neck that showed my shoulders with a tank top underneath to cover my bra straps. Under a sweater. Under a coat and scarf. Hey, it was freezing out.). I’m a fairly average looking person, maybe moderately attractive but eyeliner highlights my unusual blue eyes and when my shoulder length brown curly hair is straightened it highlights my cheekbones and full mouth.

We met at the club where he used to work as a bartender and consequently gets free drinks. It was pretty loud and our few attempts at conversation were fairly unsuccessful. He asked me if I dance and I shook my head. I’m not very coordinated and I can never be sure where all of my limbs are at any given time. He took my hand anyway and dragged me up to an area where people were swaying and shaking their hips. At this point I’d had two cocktails (and some of whatever was in his cup when I got impatient waiting for him to come back with my second drink) and I didn’t really mind just watching other people dance. I was happy enough sipping my tequila sunrise and he went off to mingle with the bartenders and other customers. I was leaning against the bar and was surprised when the guy next to me set a shot of what he was drinking next to me and nodded at me. I just stared at it for a few seconds and when he raised his eyebrows questioningly at me I thanked him and accepted it. A few minutes later a guy sidled up to me and asked me why I was alone.

“Well, I’m sort of half alone.” I said as Jared came back to check on me. “I’m with him, but he’s just a friend.” We continued to chat for a few minutes until the conversation ran dry.

I’m unused to this kind of attention and was having a hard time digesting it. The next time I saw Jared the guy who’d gotten me a drink was talking to him. They looked over at me and the guy looked like he was asking Jared if I was up for grabs. They were too far away for me to hear but after three drinks I didn’t care too much.

At some point Jared came back with another drink for me and I guess I must have looked really relaxed because he asked me if I wanted to sit down. I figured that was probably a good idea so we made our way over to the bar and I hopped up on a stool (I even made it on the first try). He put his hand on my lower thigh and asked me again where I was ticklish. I just stared at my drink watching the ice cubes float around under the surface and pointedly ignored him.

“Come on,” he wheedled. “I just got you three drinks, now you have to tell me.”

I hesitated. “It’s not even that interesting. You’re going to be disappointed after all that suspense. Do you really even care that much?”

He started guessing again. After a few wrong guesses, he said, “Is it your pussy? It’s got to be.”

“No, ensest porno it’s not ticklish, it’s an erogenous zone. Fine, you really want to know? My abdomen.”

He just stared at me. “That’s it? Your abdomen?”

I sighed and clarified, “my lower abdomen.”

“Here?” He pointed to a spot on his lower stomach area.


He pointed at his crouch, “here?”

I made a “higher” motion with my hand and finally placed his hand about an inch and a half above his groin.

His eyes got wide and he went, “oh.”

He downed the rest of his drink and asked me if I wanted to leave. I looked at my watch and realized that it was 2:30 already. Exhaustion hit me in a sudden wave and I agreed that it was probably time to go.

I carefully slid down and he grabbed my arm to support me. I leaned over to pick up my purse from the floor and when I looked up at him I realized he was getting a fairly good look down my shirt at my not insubstantial chest and was taking advantage of it. I raised my eyebrows at him and he just shrugged and said, “what? I’m a guy.”

He led me out and put his arm around my shoulder when we got outside. I didn’t really know what to think or how to react but I was enjoying the feeling of being near a warm body and lord knows I hadn’t been held like this in a while, so I just leaned in and let him lead me back to his place.

“Do you like sleeping in the cold or in the heat?” He asked when we got to the door of his apartment.

“What kind of question is that?” I asked. “Do I like getting into the oven in the morning to defrost? Of course not.”

“Well, the reason I ask is that the living room is cold but I sleep with the heat on in my room.”

I could see where this was going and honestly at this point I was pretty horny and maybe it was the alcohol but I was feeling more attracted to him than I had realized before. I’d liked it when he’d touched my leg and when he’d put his arm around my shoulder. It made me feel vulnerable and taken care of (something that I rarely allow myself to feel). That didn’t mean I was going to make it easy for him though. I was going to play with him a bit first.

He opened the door to his room and I saw that he had a couch in the corner. “Ok, great, I’ll take the couch,” I said, chuckling to myself. He looked disappointed for a few seconds until he could get his face back under control.

“Ok. You want some sweats or something to sleep in?”

“No, it’s fine. I’m just gonna crash like this.” The couch was about a foot too short, but I laid down and draped my coat over me. I heard Jared get into bed. A few minutes later he piped up, “are you really comfortable over there?”

I sighed and said, “not really.”

“You can come in here with me, you know. Nothing sexual or anything, but it’s probably more comfortable.”

I slowly got up (I was still a bit dizzy) and sat down on his bed.

The heater was facing the bed and I could tell I was going to be hot so I peeled off my shirt and just left on my tank top. I crawled in next to him and laid on my stomach with my eyes closed. When he’d pulled back the covers to let me in I’d seen that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. I could see the shadows on his chest where his tattoos were and the outline of his abs. He wasn’t ripped but I could tell he was nicely toned in all the right places.

He shifted a bit and started rubbing my back. I could feel something press against my arm.

“You’re not wearing pants, are you,” I stated. He just chuckled and slid his hand underneath the back of my shirt. He continued rubbing my back like this for a bit until he felt my defenses were sufficiently lowered and then gently slipped his hand under my bra. He traced the bones and muscles of my back before sliding his hand lower. He made circles with his fingers from my lower back down to the top of my ass. I was starting to get heated and wanted him to put his fingers in other places. I turned over onto my back and his hand went immediately to my “tickle spot.” I gasped and he chuckled again. He slid his hand up my stomach now, lifting escort porno up my tank top, all the way up to the bottom of my bra and then slipped his hand under the underwire and grabbed a handful. I sighed and cupped his hand over my breast. I moved his hand over my nipple and moaned softly when he started rolling it between his fingers. He moved to the other breast and repeated the movement with my other nipple.

I wanted to touch him too so I started running my finger slowly up and down his bare chest until I got to the sparse hairs above his groin. I felt him stiffen.

I turned to face him and then continued on my earlier path down to the root of his shaft and then slowly down his rapidly swelling cock to the head.

“Cara!” He moaned and then pushed me hard onto my back and frantically started kissing me. His dark shaggy hair tickled my cheek but I kissed him back enthusiastically, biting his lip and then slipping my tongue into his mouth. His knees were on either side of my hips and he held my shoulders down as he kissed me. He paused long enough to lift my tank top up and throw it on the floor. Next he unhooked my bra and practically ripped it from my arms before returning his tongue to mine. I could feel his heavy cock on my stomach and realized I was quite wet down below from his ministrations. He broke away from my mouth and planted a trail of kisses down my front to the top of my panties. He then returned to my breasts and licked my areolas in a circular pattern before sucking my nipples into his mouth, first the right and then the left.

It was my turn to moan. And moan I did. Especially when he suddenly unzipped my jeans and slipped his hand down my panties. I started shifting my hips back and forth trying to get my pants off and stopped when I saw a pained look on his face.

“Jesus!” He said. “If you keep squirming like that I’m not going to last very long.” I realized that my stomach was slightly wet where his cock had been rubbing against it as I’d squirmed.

“Then get these damned pants off me!” I challenged. He did. Very quickly. And my panties as an added bonus.

I moaned again as he rubbed a finger down my slit, testing the wetness. “Nice,” he said.

“Well someone’s proud of himself.”

“Indeed I am,” he said and suddenly stuck a finger in my vagina. I arched my back and cried out. He used another finger to rub my clit and the feeling was heavenly. He sucked on my nipple again and removed the finger from my clit, instead slipping two fingers into my pussy.

“Oh!” I cried. I sat up swiftly and rolled him over. I then straddled him and leaned down to massage his cock and balls. “I’m ready,” I whispered in his ear. I took his penis and directed the head into my tight pussy. It had been a while since I’d had sex and I had to slowly lower myself down his shaft. Luckily I was so wet that once he got in a third of the way he easily slipped the rest of the way in. I started rocking back and forth and circling my hips around his cock and then bouncing up and down. I don’t think we were being very quiet and I hope we didn’t disturb his housemates because the bed was creaking and I was crying “Ah! Ah! Ah! God yes!”

I came with a gush and slumped over him.

“We’re not done here yet,” he admonished. He rolled us over and leaned down to kiss me some more. He kissed down my chest and stomach and kept going until he got to my shaved mound. He bent my knees and lifted my legs up onto his shoulders. He then sucked each of my pussy lips into his mouth and swirled his tongue around my clit. I was getting warmed up and ready for round two and had started moaning again.

Suddenly he dropped my legs back onto the bed and then flipped me onto all fours with my ass towards him. He grunted as he pushed into me again and started pumping hard and fast. I could feel the orgasm start to bubble up and could tell he was close to cumming too. He pistoned into me with wild abandon and hissed, “fuck, yeah.” Suddenly I felt him stiffen and then felt his cum shoot into me and slowly start dripping down and out of my wet cunt. He dropped onto his back and pulled me down onto his chest.

“If I’d known you were such a great lay I’d have tried to get into your panties weeks ago,” he remarked, sounding pleased with himself.

“Ditto. You’ve got a fantastic cock. Although I may have to try it out again just to make sure,” I said, grinning devilishly.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmami ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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