16 Ekim 2024

The Unholy Mother of God

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This is quite blasphemous.

There was a time when people would knock on my door, and try to talk to me about religion. Like a lot of people, I had no interest and sometimes teased them with silly questions. If God was that keen to convert me, why didn’t he come around himself? The last people to call were a lovely young couple, and for a change, I invited them in. Since then, there have been no more callers.

My wife and kids were visiting her side of the family in her home country, during a two week school break. This time, as with the times before, I found it best to keep the house pristine, clean and tidy. It made it easier to spot something that might get me caught. Knowing everything was in order, I could relax, and take my time to explore new ways of being sexually depraved. On this occasion, I had willfully been abstinent for a few days, to allow my mind to conjure something new and interesting. Looking out the window, it was a nice sunny spring day. The type of day that inspires optimism. Working from home, I checked my calendar for the rest of the afternoon. No meetings, and no deadlines. Idle hands are the devil’s playthings.

In need of inspiration, I picked up my cell phone which had pinged a few notifications that I had ignored. People from my neighborhood chat group were talking about two religious types going door-to-door, with pamphlets in hand, and the Lord in their hearts. From my office window I could see them at a distant doorstep. A man and woman, in their early twenties, smartly dressed, talked to a neighbor whose name I didn’t know. I read more of the messages, and memorized the information people had shared to the chat group. I didn’t comment. I switched off my work computer after doing some quick research and prepared for their visit. When my doorbell rang, I surprised them by opening the door right away.

“Dan and Lisa, I am delighted to see you today, ” I said. They were both dressed for the Church, innocent, sensible and practical. I could hear surprise in their voice when they said, “blessings to you,” unsure how I knew their names.

“Come on in,” I offered much quicker than they had anticipated. Then standing away from my door, I ushered them in with my arm waving them on. Quickly looking at each other, she stepped across the threshold first, and he followed. I led them into the main living area of the house. Our house is only a few houses away from a pathway that leads to the next neighborhood. The nosey neighbors would probably assume they continued on in that direction, if the pair were not seen again.

Standing in the middle of the living room, I turned to them both and gestured for them to put down their belongings. With my hands out, I said to them both, “join hands with me. Today is a very special day.” I had no idea how I was going to pull off my bullshit plan, or how quickly they would see through me as yet another time waster. If I was going to have fun, I needed to always be one step ahead, supremely confident and playing to their gullibility.

Their hands in mine, I looked down at the floor solemnly and began, “Dear Lord, thank you for this blessing and bringing Dan and Lisa to my door today. Lord, in your wisdom you have seen to reward your two most faithful servants with the highest of honors in your glory.” Considering I was winging it, I felt it started pretty well.

“You have been chosen by God for a most noble and high task.”

In a quiet tone I directed, “Now let us take a moment of silence, so that we may be filled with God’s courage to fulfill our part in His great plan.” This was make or break time. Lisa’s soft hand was in mine, and in time I would know her more intimately. Dan’s hand felt null and discardable to me. In the silence I waited for them to break free from my outrageous act. Having committed to it thus far, I was being swept up in my own performance. I was too committed now to break character and admit my fraud.

Looking up from the floor, ending the moment’s silence, I looked at them and said, “you must have many questions.” I moved to place my hands flat on the upper part of their chest and neck area, tenderly connecting. “Feel HIs power within you.” Bridging my energy to theirs, each in turn, until they felt what they needed to feel in their soul.

“Feel your hearts filled with His love, and the courage to look beyond what you hear, see and feel with your mortal bodies, and connect through our combined souls.”

“Please take a seat.” They sat together on the sofa, and I sat in the armchair.

“The Lord God speaks through me and I know much about you both. I see why you were chosen to be tested, and if worthy, chosen for the greatest of honors,” I continued.

“Dan, you have been faithful to the Lord for many years, and Lisa you have recently found your calling.” A brave guess based on instincts. They listened, filled with some pride that they had been “chosen” and that a stranger spoke so knowledgeably about them. At each house they visited, they dropped aksaray escort breadcrumbs of information that the householders then either joked about or commented on in the group chat. I had quite the arsenal of facts. Going on to talk about their Church and the people they knew, remembering what I read from the neighborhood chat and an internet search, I continued with the ruse. This was stunning proof of something divine to them.

“Think about people like Pastor Greenway, and how he answered God’s calling, devoting his life to the good cause. God calls you now, but in far greater and demanding ways. You plan to get married in June next year. I’m delighted for you both. This is all part of His great plan.”

Still they did not speak. Their eyes were fully locked onto me, as if I had some magic power. I was starting to think the same myself.

“I have a special and very important mission for you both. You have read in the Bible of Angels coming to speak to people, accompanied by brilliant lights, wings and other such wonders. If you were to see such a spectacle right now, what choice would you have but to follow God’s will?” I asked rhetorically.

“How would you prove your faith if you witnessed such an obvious miracle?” This really was getting out of hand, and yet they seemed to be as committed to this folly as I was.

“You have brilliant faith shining within you. The miracle is seen, when your bravery to trust in Him is rewarded in unimaginable ways with God’s love.” At this point, I decided to give them a fair chance of escape. “You must have many questions. Please do talk freely about what is on your mind.”

Again, they looked at each other unsure how to react. Their silence added more weight to their blind eagerness to continue further. For the moments that passed, I considered if I really was prepared to push towards achieving my end goal.

Dan spoke first, “How do you know our names, and the other things about us?”

“He knows everything, and speaks through me, ” I replied.

“So let me ask then.. ” Dan began, but I quickly cut him off with a stern response.

“Do you need proof or is your faith not strong enough?” questioning his belief and silencing any further questions.

Tenderly, I continued asserting, “Lisa, you are a virgin.” She nodded shyly in response.

They held hands, to give each other reassurance. “And Dan, ” I continued, “if Lisa were to be blessed with His child, would you standby and support her and the child in every way a man could?” Dan replied simply, “Yes.”

“You have both served God well, and are His cherished children. You also have free will, and if you choose to do so, you can leave this place at any time and continue your good work spreading the word. Such burdens are too much for some disciples,” I continued, unable to stop myself slipping into further depravity, as I set up the gambit ultimatum.

“You have been chosen, Dan and Lisa, to bring into this world the dawning of a new miracle that mankind has not seen for two millenia.”

In excitement and bewilderment, they double clasp their hands together, fidgeted in their seats and looked at each other expectantly. Searching each other’s eyes, a young couple who planned to spend their lives together, wanting direction from the other, trying to decide if they should do something else or follow the path before them. Completing the deal, I encouraged them, “I know you are able to answer the calling.”

Standing, I requested Lisa, “Stand up.” She was a bit taller than me but thin. I could have probably lifted her up with not much effort. Her light brown, almost blond hair was in a high ponytail that reached just below her shoulders. She wore small pearl earrings, a pale tan cotton suit, practical shoes and a pale pink satin-like polyester blouse. Pleasant but cheap clothing. I could not believe it when she stood for me, and allowed herself to be directed, by me, to turn to face Danny.

“Dan, open your Bible and you will find a passage to read to Lisa to give her the courage to have her belief tested.” She looked at him, while I slid her jacket from her shoulders, down her arms then placed it on the seat. The sound of cotton against polyester was as loud and as audible as the pages of Danny’s Bible being turned. Her scent was femine, warm with a dash of perfume. It was irresistible to me. Danny began reading from the Book, while she locked her eyes on him. When I was standing behind her she asked me, “what do I need to do?”

“Have faith and be willing, ” I responded, placing my hands on her upper arms. My hands moved down across the shiny blouse to her elbows. Then as they transitioned to her hips I continued with, “feel the power of trust in what is right.” With my hands on her hips, my fingers resting on her front. She kept her arms by her sides as I moved my hands slowly upwards and embraced her lower ribcage.

“If you both prove yourselves, you will be greatly rewarded.” The words came from my akyazı escort mouth, but I had no idea how I was managing to make up such instant rubbish. My hands continued, up and forwards, stopping only when the top of my first fingers met the underside of her breasts. My fingers moved across the slick satin-like layer which slid easily between fingers and her cotton bra, until my finger tips flicked over her nipples, with the rest of my hand cupping her from beneath. Lisa took a sharp intake of breath as I teased her, but remained unmoving, eyes fixated on her fiance who read more religious passages aloud.

“You will be tested, ” I said as calmly as possible, trying to keep my breath in check. And if you are both worthy, then you will be impregnated. If God is willing, you will soon be with a child.” Tweaking her nipples, I could feel her move awkwardly. She brought her hands together in front of her and nervously fiddled her fingers. From behind I was still able to gain ample access to her torso.

“Dan, look up and see what a strong and capable woman Lisa is.” He looked up from his book, sheepishly meeting her wanting stare, uncertain how to react to the sight of his beloved being groped in front of him; the look of confusion in her face. She wanted to please, but acted unsure of the bodily violation.

“Come and help Lisa in her time of need.” As he moved from his seat, I told Dan to kneel and to remove her shoes. He cooperated and was soon undoing her shoe laces. My hands smoothed down her body and rested on her abdomen, hands mirrored around her belly button. Her waist was so petite, I could almost circle her hips with both hands. I rubbed my arched fingers from her hipbone to her navel and back again, being sure to send the sensation down between her legs.

Dan had completed untying her shoes and lifted each foot in turn, removing her footwear and socks. I pulled the tails of her blouse out from the waistband of her suit pants. It was hard not to feel guilty, but when I saw how willing they were to observe my instructions, and I thought of the treasures Lisa would provide, I could not stop myself.

“Dan, please stand in front of Lisa and look at her.” He complied. “Lisa needs to know that you will support her, no matter what. Can you do that for her, and for the glorious journey ahead?” Standing face to face, and in a firm voice he replied that he would.

“Lisa,” I asked next, softly and solemnly, still standing behind her. “Have you ever touched yourself in an impure way, while thinking about other men?” She swallowed hard without replying. “You must be honest with Dan and confess your sins to him.”

There was a pause for thought, then she timidly admitted, “Yes.”

“And you Dan, if you accept Lisa’s sin and forgive her, then you will unbutton one button of her blouse.” The pair continued to look into each other’s emotionally turmoiled faces. Dan reached forward and unbuttoned the top button of her blouse while she remained motionless, her arms by her sides, head held high.

“Danny, what sinful thought have you had that Lisa should know about?” He knew he had plenty and was busy filtering the mental list when I prompted, “you must be fully honest and confess your darkest thoughts now.”

“I have often thought, ” Dan replied cautiously, nervous of what he was about to say, “that I would like to, ” he paused once more. Lisa looked on encouragingly. “That I would like to have anal sex with Lisa… once we are married.”

With fake abhorrence at his confession, pretending that it was hard to find my voice through the shock, I said, “Lisa, do you accept Dan’s confession? If you do,” adding a deep sigh for effect, “undo a button of your blouse.” He could only look at the floor as she unbuttoned the second button.

Lifting the tone and pace, I said, “Lisa, what unnatural desires do you need to confess to Dan. He has been very open and honest.” I placed my hands on her shoulders while Dan managed to recover from his guilt. When my hands were on her body, I yearned so much to defile her. Lisa replied with less hesitation, “I like it when I am spanked.” Simple and honest. As before, my instruction for Dan to unbutton was met with blind obedience.

“Do you both believe that everything that happens is God’s will?” My voice filled the room. Obediently and together they replied “We do.”

Reaching around from behind her I unbuttoned one more button revealing cleavage and a simple white bra.

Finally I asked, “do you believe that Dan has the courage to help you through the challenge you face today?” This time with more strength to her voice she replied, “I do.” The blouse was completely open.

I took a few steps back and to the side, then asked, “and both of you, do you think what we do here today is the righteous and proper thing to do?” In unison as if answering a priest’s question to a congregation they said, “we do.” I turned away, and headed towards where Dan’s Bible was placed on the sofa. As alaca escort I did, in an off-hand manner I said, “remove her blouse” accompanied by a wave of my hand.

Collecting the book and looking back at the pair, I watched as the blouse was removed. Deed done, I asked Dan to read for us once more, offering him the book and taking the blouse from him in exchange. I placed her blouse with her jacket and returned to standing behind her. Dan sat and read aloud once more. Her beauty was a sight to be admired. Her lips were red, but not from lipstick. Her face was naturally radiant and freckled. She breathed heavily as she stood knowing that I would push her much further. As Dan read, I said quietly into her ear, “what distresses you, is your lack of belief. “

Using both hands, I unfastened her pants and continued to whisper, “you can do this. You can rise to the challenge. Already you have done so much.” Only the zip remained, and I pulled it down ever so slowly. Tugging at her pants from the sides, they dropped to the floor. Danny continued reading from the Good Book, too fearful to look up and confront what he saw. I placed her pants half folded with her other clothes.

“Your body is sending you a million confused signals,” I continued whispering. I placed one hand flatly on her naked tummy, causing her to tense every muscle. Holding her tight against me, my other hand landed directly onto her cotton panties, taking a complete handful. Two middle fingers stroking her. “Your body is telling you that you are ready for this.”

“Do you know why vaginas become wet and lubricated?” I asked her delicately, hardly audible to Dan who sat reading aloud before her. She replied, “It is because it is getting ready to accept a penis.”

“Do you feel that wetness now?” I whispered even softer. Shamefully she replied, “yes.” Two of my fingers rubbed into her as she unconsciously moved her hips in a miniature replication of my movement. She locked onto my energy and passion. I felt I could justify any depraved act.

“Before we move to the final phase of today’s glorious ceremony, we must first exercise the demons let loose moments ago.” I turned Lisa around, and guided her to the fireplace. “Put your hands on here” I commanded, placing her hands out stretched across the mantlepiece.

“Please do come join us again Danny, as we cast away negativity.” Placing his book down, and rising from his seat, I arranged his betrothed for the next deed. Her feet were placed back from the fireplace and apart, and she rested her shoulders and weight against the mantle, turning her head so she faced Dan.

“Earlier you both made requests of each other. Lisa, you wanted to be spanked. Dan, you confessed to the sin of sodomy. In this most blessed union, sins will be forgiven as you yourselves make great sacrifices.” Looking back at it now, it was at this point we crossed over from misdemeanor groping, and into deep dive sexual desires.

Standing back a little from the pair, I presented the first desire. “Danny, do you love Lisa?” and naturally he replied that he did. “Then please spank her,” I instructed. At first he tested her with a playful few taps. I gestured to slap harder, and when he did, Lisa seemed unmoved.

“Be honest and open with each other in these difficult times,” I guided. “Lisa, tell Dan how you would like it. And Dan, you help Lisa expel her demons today.”

His hand slapped her other buttock. She found the courage to speak. “Harder please Danny.” He paused for calculation and slapped her behind, producing a much louder sound and reaction in his girlfriend.

“Lisa, you confessed that you not only touch yourself in impure ways, but that you think of other men when you do.” A strong comment which only added to the tension. “Name one of these men.”

“Kyle from the office,” she admitted. I moved in closer, as he slapped her again without caution. During a pause, he looked into her face to gauge her reaction. As he did, I pulled her panties up and together at the back, exposing more of her fleshy rear.

“Who else Lisa?” I questioned. She named an actor in a movie she had watched multiple times. Twice more, Danny’s hand produced a cracking sound that echoed in the room, and induced a tension reaction in her body. Dan paused to allow them to regain their breath. Mildly I spoke, “when you have released her inner demon, you can penetrate her anus with one of your fingers.” Lisa turned her head towards me, to give me a look which told me she was not ready for that.

I indicated that Dan should continue as I spoke to him. “Remember how you felt when you looked up and saw Lisa partially undressed, and I had my hands in her private places. Places she had denied you before.” Lisa closed her eyes and braced herself. “Release the demons in your relationship.” This time his palm whacked her just once, but with brutal cheek reddening force. With nobody protesting, a second and third thoughtfully placed smack landed upon her.

“Thank you Daddy,” Lisa quickly corrected to “Danny.” Praising them, I said “well done to you both. You have made great progress in breaking down the barriers to take you on the pathway to the promised land.” I paused to let the words sink in, and for her to regain some composure.

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