16 Ekim 2024

The Free Spirit

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Although the character Virginia Peters is fictitious I have based her on two people I have known for many years where both are free spirits. Enjoy!


I suppose I have been a free-spirited girl since my fourteenth birthday but after my eighteenth, I began to live life to its fullest being fiercely independent and living outside the norms of society. Some of my old school friends say that I’m a hippy but that’s not exactly true. I like to make my own lifestyle and although I do like to visit my family over Easter, or Christmas I love to return to my private world. On leaving school my headmistress mother got me a job working in a marketing firm in the city: I was sacked six weeks later. I am now an entertainer where I play and sing my own compositions on the piano. Like my lifestyle, my music and lyrics are offbeat. I first set out as a busker and finding my music was successful, I set a selection for a CD. Since those early days, I have become well known nationwide.

I’m a girl who loves to attract people’s attention although this doesn’t mean I am necessarily promiscuous. I enjoy sex especially with similar-minded women where my favorite age group is around fifteen to twenty years older than myself. Although I love the beach, I prefer to find somewhere that’s semi-private where I can hopefully flash women walking along the boardwalk. My favorite costume is a brief rainbow-colored one piece where the back and stomach have been cutaway. I love to read my book while lying on my back with one leg raised at the knee which exposes the edge of my pussy to a certain woman walking by.

I am Virginia Peters and I’m a woman with black hair that looks more like a chimney sweeps brush: being tightly curled it sets off my round gold framed shades and olive skin tone. I am slim with even white teeth a soft petite nose and I thank God … not huge weighty breasts. Much to my parents horror my favorite dress style is a grey or tan colored tee-shirt over which I wear colourful bib and brace overalls with black Docs Coppola Boots or the same shirt with short-legged overalls where I wear red leather sandals that lace up the leg. Due to a great aunty, I am financially independent which really assists my open lifestyle.

It was a Sunday in early February that I noticed this woman moving slowly on the footpath to a drummers rhythm she was possibly ten or fifteen years older than me and incredibly sexy. A bit taller than me she had light brown hair tied back with a pink scrunchie. She was wearing a light blue dress that hung just below the knee and an expensive-looking blouse that I imagined was silk. As I love to dance, I moved next to her and mimicking her every move began to dance with her. The drummer who was of African descent began to work the rhythm changing the pace and even the tone as his two dancers began to draw a crowd.

It was a hot afternoon and after about half an hours dancing my dance partner and I stood aside while our audience clapped and called out for more. It was just too hot and with perspiration dripping from our brows I suggested we called in at a popular café across the street. As we stood on the roadside, I introduced myself and was happy when my dance partner told me she was Simone Bradley. We both breathed a sigh of relief when we sat in the airconditioned comfort of the café with our iced tea.

“You are a very good dancer.”

“In a way it’s part of my occupation you see I’m a composer and songwriter: I first began as a busker but when an agent saw me, she suggested I release a CD … that was the making of me.”

“WOW that puts my teaching career somewhat off-center. What type of music do you compose.”

“It’s like me a bit offbeat but the theme is mostly romance. I don’t mean love songs it’s more like music that can bring someone’s individuality to the fore.”

“What do you teach.”

“English literature with an emphasis on poetry.”

“I like that you see most of my songs are blank verse poems. I also love reading prose poetry but that’s just a fascination of mine.”

“I would love to hear your music. How can I get a CD.”

“First they have a copy of my CD here so let me see if they can put it on. Then if you like it, I can give you a copy: I’ll even dedicate it to you.”

As the music was playing, I sat almost in a trance looking at Simone as she concentrated. She was incredibly beautiful with a small nose that had a few freckles across its bridge. When she smiled, I noticed her teeth with a gold stud between the two front incisors: I was attracted to her slight touch of individuality. Sitting slightly to the side I could just discern a cheeky nipple on her small firm breast. I wondered whether she could be an interesting playmate sometime in the future.

“Oh my God, that was amazing. It’s so powerful and yet simple you must come and play at my school after which we can visit this fabulous restaurant that I know: my treat.”

“I would love it just set the time and place.”

“The time is easy. We use the final period on a Friday as a free expression van escort period where we can either have a guest come to talk or some of the student body can present something they are creating. Next Friday would be amazing: I’ll place it on the calendar tomorrow.”

“You have a free expression period? Fuck I wish I had gone to your school.”

The café was busy so we got up and walked down to the harborside park: I was beginning to like Simone because she was so easy to talk with and spontaneous in her actions. I hate it when people want to lead me down dead-end paths but in Simone, I found she wanted to explore while accepting me for who I am. It was such a special moment walking through the park with Simone until with a cry I began to skip and do headstands down the grassy bank which attracted the attention of other park visitors, but Simone just laughed trying not too successfully to mimic my actions.

“I love it. The way you just do what you feel is right at the particular moment. You don’t give a fuck about how people around you think because for you the world is a place of play and free expression. I am finding myself wanting to join with you in this fantasy world just like you joined me dancing.”

“I see the world as a playground where I can express my feelings. Life to me is very different from how most people accept it. I like being around you because you have accepted me even tried to join me. Now that’s special.”

“I don’t think you would mix easily as a teacher.”

“I’m artistic and good with computers and when I completed school and my mother seeing that it was useless arguing about tertiary education got me a position with a big inner-city marketing firm: I found it so restricting and they sacked me six weeks later. That’s when I started going down my own path.”

“But look I’m tired I need to go home. Here’s my card text me the time for next Friday. Do I need to bring my keyboard?”

“No, we have a good piano. I’ve loved our time together: it’s been both a revealing fascinating experience. You are beautiful and I love your short overalls they are so you.”

I ran home thinking of Simone all the way. I have met many women but sadly they cannot step outside of their normal restrictive lifestyle asking me why I live the way I do or suggesting I should do something differently: they lose me immediately. Yes, I have fucked all these women, but fucking is one thing: to express one’s feelings through love is another. The way the afternoon had gone with Simone I believed she was the one and that night I imagined myself making love with Simone: it was spontaneous. Taking my time to stimulate my nipples before sliding my fingers down to my waiting pussy where I gradually frigged myself to a raging orgasm.

I’m usually a messy sleeper tossing and turning while demolishing the bed, but tonight was different, and I slept like a log until around two in the morning which happens to be my inspiration hour. It was a hot night so getting up I padded out to my piano naked and after lighting twenty candles I sat with my eyes closed until I had formed a mental image of Simone dancing on the footpath. The music came to me naturally and playing as I recorded the notes, I completed the centerpiece of what was to be my second big album.

The rest of the week was special, and I heard from Simone on the Thursday evening. She wanted to confirm the hour for my recital the following afternoon explaining that she would meet me in the car park. We then talked about life in the slow lane where I told her about my new music telling her that I would play it for her on Friday evening.

Dressing in new light green cut off bib and brace overalls which I matched with a designer rainbow tee-shirt I drove over to Simone’s school. Although I had never done anything like this before I was really looking forward to it. Simone had phoned me during her lunch break, and we talked for the entire hour which was so different from any other woman I had met because they only wanted to listen to their own noise. I refuse to be tamed … nothing, neither person nor outer or inner force will keep me from expressing my authentic self. Seeing Simone at the top of the steps I got out of my car praying that she was going to be the one woman who wanted to encourage me and possibly try to join me in my dream world.

Arriving at the top of the stone steps I smiled at Simone happy that she hadn’t hugged or kissed me: fuck I hate that stupid greeting. She lead me down a broad wisteria lined corridor to what I imagined doubled as a sports and assembly hall. Stepping up to a well-kept upright piano she introduced me to the school. Commencing with a number that I had written during my final term at school I steadily played more complicated music. At the end of the recital I was relieved when I only received one question where the inquirer wanted to know how I got started.

Simone asked me to wait in the staff room while she gathered her things from her classroom and then I followed her small Fiat 500 to the unit she was renting. Again, yalova escort she invited me in while she showered and changed. Sitting on a very comfortable couch I was interested in the four prints that she had on her wall. The first two were Escher prints depicting stairs leading nowhere and his famous drawing hands while the others were Picasso and a popular Van Dyke. These vastly different art forms caused me to understand a bit more about who she was.

Parking my car in the large restaurant car park Simone and I made our way to the restaurant which was on the ground floor of a large inner-city office block noticing with relief that Simone had selected the restaurant with me in mind. It was a large open plan restaurant where the kitchen was open to the patrons’ view and the menu covered a wide range for all types of fussy eater. During our meal, we only discussed her classes and the possibility of my releasing copies of my poetry so that the students could see how it’s possible to take a basic poem and how to illustrate it through music.

After a delicious and very pleasant meal Simone took me to the top floor that had a slowly revolving bar. Taking a seat at a small secluded table overlooking the harbor we began to learn more about each other.

“Sorry if I sound inquisitive but you fascinate me, and I want to learn about you and your amazing life. I love walking through parks on a sunny day: what’s your favorite pastime?”

“I also love the outdoors because it gives me inspiration.”

“I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I do smoke marijuana.”

“I gave up cigarettes twelve months ago not because it’s unhealthy but simply because I got bored with smoking, but I still love marijuana: it relaxes me and also inspires my thinking.”

“How old were you when you were first kissed properly.”

“Hmm, it’s the naughty hour”.

“It happened during my eighteenth birthday party when a woman my mother had asked to help with food approached me for a kiss: she was about my mother’s age. As I was passing my bedroom, I took her inside and shutting the door where we kissed for some time. Her kissing was consuming and demanding I loved the moment. She phoned me two days later and we talked for ages.”

“So, she became your lover?”

“If you want to call it that: it only lasted one afternoon although we still meet to talk.”

“How old were you when you were first kissed.”

“Like you eighteen but it was in the back of my boyfriend’s car.”

“Did he fuck you then?”

“Yes, and it was horrible: he came in five minutes, so I went home frustrated bloody and hurting. It was so humiliating … I have never done it with a man since.”

“So, you are a lesbian?”


“I love the way you dress. The bib and brace overalls are amazing. What’s your favorite color?”

“It depends. For everyday use, I love blue or brown but for occasions like this evening or when I am performing, I love the pastel shades especially green and periwinkle.”

“I wish I could be like you. What about the cut-offs? I’ve never seen them before.”

“You can’t buy bib and brace in the styles I wear so I have them made for me that way I can use higher quality cloth. The idea of cut-offs came one particularly hot February: I love them.”

“I love your originality.”

“Thank you but I should explain that I don’t like rules I march to the beat of my own drum. I’m romantic but hate to be treated as someone who defies tradition. All the women I have slept with have wanted to heal me. I run so fast there’s a cloud of dust following. I see you as different but be warned that I don’t want a live-in relationship: accept that and I will be your most loyal supporter.”

“Simone it may seem odd to you but although I give the idea of total confidence, I am frightened. I’ve never understood what it means to make love. I think I can trust you but please understand I don’t want to fuck you I want to love you.”

“I find your direct approach so refreshing.”

“I have already recognized this and let me assure you that I don’t want to change you. For fucks sake it’s your originality that attracts me. I cannot forget how you danced and skipped through the park people were looking in horror and disgust, yet you simply did cat wheels. I only wish I had your agility because I would have joined you. Virginia you really are a breath of fresh air.”

“Do you always dance in the street?”

“You make me laugh. No but that guys subtle sense of rhythm got to me. As I danced, I prayed no one I knew would see me.”

“I thank God it did. I think in a small way you are like me.”

“Possibly. I must admit to loving originality in people. I am artistic in mind but when it comes to making art I’m hopeless.”

“I have finished my song would you like to come home so I can play it for you.”

“Oh my God yes I will love it.”

“I should warn you that what I call home is in reality a converted packing house where I have divided the space with Chinese screens while the floor is giresun escort covered with expensive Persian rugs. It’s different: it’s me.”

Sitting before her baby grand Virginia closed her eyes listening to the silence and then she caressed the keys producing a halting lilting sound softly rising and falling almost like a number of small bells. Simone sat in awe as the music rose and fell gradually becoming stronger until Virginia included her voice but rather than using words, she mouthed the tones until with a harsher tone the music rose to a crescendo before falling into silence.

“Oh my God, that’s amazing it’s beautiful what’s it called?”

“I told you it’s the new signature song of what’s to be my new disc.”

“Yes, but what are you calling it.”

“Simone – it’s called ‘Simone’ and the CD will also be called Simone I wrote it for you the evening after we danced and walked into the park. I woke up at two in the morning and lit twenty candles: it was hot, and I was naked. I write a lot of my music like that. Two in the morning is my hour of inspiration.”

Leaning forward Simone kissed Virginia’s lips. “Oh, my fucking God I love you. Virginia Peters you are fucking outstanding.”

Stepping forward Virginia returned Simone’s kiss as she continued to advance holding Simone’s shoulders laughing and kissing. Feeling the moment she stepped into Virginia taking her by surprise as increasing the depth of their kiss her tongue playing between them until feeling Virginia’s breasts she cried out.

“I think I’m about to learn what it means to make love don’t desert me Simone please just love me.”

Smiling softly Simone took Virginia in her arms her fleeting almost naughty kisses changing and with her tongue pressing into Virginia’s lips she pushed her against the side of the piano. Again, their lovemaking changed as they advanced and fell back their tongues exploring until with two resounding slaps Simone playfully spanked Virginia’s bottom.

“You spanked me. I love being spanked but no one does it now days.”

Quickly unclipping her overalls Virginia allowed them to pool around her ankles and standing before Simone in a pair of men’s briefs her small naked breasts standing out with pride while Simone stood in amazement taking in the beautiful sight before her.

“For fuck’s sake Virginia where’s the bedroom I want to explain the meaning of love for you.”

Falling onto the big king bed they again rolled while kissing where both of them tried to gain the advantage until with another ringing slap Simone spanked Virginia’s naked bum. Not pausing she moved up Virginia’s spectacular body her fingers and lips caressing her small breasts until quickly rolling Simone on her back Virginia cried out.

“It’s not fair I’m naked while you are fully dressed, I want to look upon you as well.”

Springing off the bed Simone almost tore her clothes off until she stood before Virginia who was sitting cross-legged on the bed her eyes starring in wonderous lust.

“You say I’m beautiful I’ve just felt the second number for my new disc … I’ll call it infatuation.”

“Not now my darling not until I am finished with you. Now stop talking.”

At this point Virginia lay back submissively as Simone commenced slowly much like the music that Virginia had recently played. Using her mouth lips and fingers she gradually brought Virginia to a state of arousal she had never understood before.

Moaning with Oooh’s and Arghs Virginia felt herself drawn up almost like a puppet on a string as her body responded to Simone’s caresses. Scissoring her legs, she sensed her lover moving towards her dripping cunt crying out when she felt Simone’s tongue graze across her clit. Without stopping Simone continued dragging her tongue back and forth as her fingers began to probe lightly between Virginias damp folds.

“Oh, fuck yes Simone … Yessss … I’m about to cum.”

Clinging to Simone’s head Virginia felt her pussy began to pulse until with a cry she felt her body erupt in ecstasy as her cum began to gush onto her lover’s waiting tongue.

After regaining her breath Virginia spoke.

“Oh my God, I’ve never cum like that no one has ever made me cum like that.”

“What do you mean?”

“I told you at the bar sex has always been simple fucking where I have struggled to complete the act because I have never had any feeling for the woman I am with. On most occasions, I have faked my orgasm. You are different but I recognized that when I first saw you.”

Without waiting for an answer Virginia slid across Simone her mouth sucking her small nipples while her hand rubbed across Simone’s wet cunny. Biting and sucking she moved from her breasts to along her delicate neck causing small dark bruises while using her fingers she began to fuck her. Sliding slowly between her legs with her tongue making tight circles around Virginia’s clit causing her hips to grind against Virginia’s tongue.

Smelling her arousal Virginia raised Simone’s legs holding them high as her tongue began to swirl deep inside her cunny. Hearing her cries she reached up taking her breasts in her hands while sliding her tongue in small circles around Simone’s clit drawing deep cries until with a final gasping groan her juices flowed onto Virginia’s tongue.

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