17 Ekim 2024

Flashback: Cousins Ch. 09

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July 2000: Los Angeles

We never hooked up the next day. Something came up at work I couldn’t get out of. I really did want to see him. Thinking about being with him had made me horny and restless and I wanted to see him very badly. Naturally, he was bitterly disappointed, but he made me promise to get together with him soon.

Jake returned to Oakland in a bad mood and we didn’t get away for the weekend. I found myself retreating from him more and more. I was able to fill the gap by talking to Robert on the Internet. He was concerned for me due to Jake’s slumping business and bad moods. I told him I would be ok that we would weather this storm, but deep down I wasn’t sure.

Sometimes we didn’t talk about things like that and when Jake wasn’t around, Robert would call me and whisper dirty things to me. A few times he would have me moaning and writhing on the bed with my fingers deep in my aching pussy. I needed him so bad as Jake and I weren’t having sex that much. And when we did, it was more a release for him than me.

The sexual tension built between Robert and I in a few short weeks. Finally, I needed to go see him. It was unbearable.

I told Jake I was going to LA to visit friends for the weekend. I could have told him I was fucking Robert all weekend and I doubt he would have cared. He was that distracted. Robert, on the other hand, was dying to see me. He promised me a wild weekend not unlike the old days in LA. I laughed and told him I was an old married woman but he wasn’t having any of it. So I packed my bags and, feeling very nervous, flew down to LA.

He was waiting for me at the gate with a bouquet of roses. I was very touched and a few tears sprung to my eyes. He always had that romantic touch in him when he wanted me to see it. I hugged him and whispered to him how happy I was to be here.

We drove through the hot, steamy streets of the city to the Four Seasons. I laughed a little as I remembered a time at a different Four Seasons. My body felt tense, though. This was the first time I had been unfaithful to Jake in our marriage. Although I still loved him, I wondered how much longer we could stay together. Robert pulled up in front of the hotel and we got out of the car. I pushed the thoughts of Jake aside and got ready for a weekend filled with endless possibilities.

Everything was so glamorous and expensive. Robert was enjoying all it. He just looked so happy having me there with him and it showed. I cursed our family ties again for making us having to act this way. I know in my heart had he not been related to me, we would have been married and living a great life.

“Beth, you look so far away,” he said, grasping my hand.

We were riding up in the elevator.

“Sorry, just thinking how strange it all is.”

“It certainly is, but it’s also very sexy. And so are you.”

He kissed my cheek and I blushed. I wore a sexy summer dress for him. I was entirely in white, but there was nothing virginal about it. Underneath the low-cut, thin strapped dress were a white satin bra, sheer white panties and white thigh-highs. I began to favor those over garters. My hair was much shorter now and cut in a bob.

At last we got to the room and went in. It was huge and very luxurious. I looked at him and smiled.

“Not bad for a college professor, eh?” he said as he put our bags down.

“Not bad at all!”

He sat down a chair and unbuttoned the top 3 buttons of his shirt.

“Ok, my pretty little one, how about shedding some of those clothes for me. I can’t think of anything but fucking you right now.”

I giggled and stood in front of him.

“Like a strip tease?” I asked.

“Like a strip tease.” He smiled mischievously as usual.

I took a deep breath and reached back behind me and began to slide the zipper down. As I did that, I thrust out my breasts for him. He leered at me and licked his lips. Once I got the zipper down, I pushed the straps of my dress off my shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor. I stepped out of it and moved slightly closer to him.

“Oh my god, you’re so fucking sexy,” he breathed. “You haven’t changed a bit.”

I said nothing and began to rub my breasts through my bra. I could see the bulge forming in his pants. I turned around and wiggled my ass at him and moved my hands around my asscheeks. This time he just groaned.

When I had turned around to face him again, my panties were off and my mound was exposed to him. He licked his lips and began to rub his cock through the material of his pants. I kept going and unhooked my bra. When it fell to the floor I moved so that my legs were touching his legs. I stood before him and looked down.

“I can’t wait any longer,” I said in a husky voice.

He unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. It was rock hard and ready for me.

“Then come over here and sit on this,” he said.

I moved to him and straddled his cock. I was certainly wet enough for him then. I think I began to get wet as soon as I got on the plane. His cock slid into me easily and we both shuddered from the sensation. It had been fatih escort too fucking long since we had done this. Immediately his hands went to my breasts. At first he gently cupped them and weighed them in his hands. He murmured how wonderful they looked. I pushed them into his hands and began to beg him for what I wanted.

He knew it too. My hard nubs were squeezed between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. I moaned and threw my head back. Our bodies were joined but we did not move – yet. I was just happy to be filled by his delicious cock.

“Harder,” I said to him.

He squeezed harder. I cried out, but I wanted more.

“Bite them.”

He released his hands and leaned into to bite my nipples. When he did, I shuddered all over and my pussy contracted around his cock.

“Mmmmm…I can feel you squeezing me,” he said.

“Bite me again, please.”

He sucked one nipple into his mouth very hard and his teeth sunk into my flesh. I shivered and moaned and begged him to do it to the other. He moved his head and then the other nipple was bitten. It was then that I began to move on his cock. He had me so wound up, I wondered how long I would be able to hold out.

His hands went around to my ass and began to squeeze as he thrust his cock deep into my aching cunt.

“Oh fuck, you feel so good, Beth. It’s been so long…”

I answered him with a long moan and started to ride him a little harder. His mouth went back to sucking my nipples and shockwaves went through my body and again and again. My hands were on his shoulders and my head was back. I concentrated all of my efforts on his cock and each time he thrust into me, I got that much closer to cumming.

“Ohhhh…fuck me, Robert…fuck me hard, I have to cum.”

He thrusts increased in pace and I was riding his cock hard. My breasts bounced in his face and I started to feel that feeling.

“Oh yes, I’m gonna cum!” I yelled, not caring where I was.

“Cum, baby. Flood my cock,” he growled.

That was it – I went screaming over the edge and came in a long howl. I rode him hard and wanted him to cum as well. It didn’t take much for him. The sight of me screaming and panting caused him to release his load deep into my pussy. We held each other and rocked hard, moaning and sweating and cumming for an eternity.

Then he pulled me close to him and hugged me so tight, my breasts were crushed by his body. I could feel my cum leak out and drip onto his balls.

“Beth, oh god, how I’ve waited for this moment. I wondered if it would ever happen.”

I kissed the top of his head and let my body calm down. His cock was still deep inside of me and I wasn’t ready to release him yet. He buried his face between my breasts and we spent a long time just holding each other.

When I felt his cock softening, I slipped off him and knelt between his legs. I wanted to lick the cum off him and I could tell he wanted me to. When I grasped his cock with my hand I saw my wedding and engagement rings. There they were on my hand which was holding a cock that did not belong to my husband. The reality hit home.

“Fuck…what am I doing?” I cried and threw myself on the bed.

He was at my side in an instant. I felt his hands stroke my hair but I couldn’t look at him.

“It’s a lie – all of it,” I moaned.

“What is?”

“My fucking marriage!”

He sighed and lay next to me on the bed.

“Beth, you did what you had to do. Just like I married Pamela. I did it so I could try to forget about us.”

“It didn’t work, did it?”

“No, it didn’t. For a while it did, but like I told you – I never stopped thinking about us.”

I rolled over on my back and grasped his hand. Tears were on my cheeks.

“Did it hurt you to betray her?” I asked.

“Yes, it did. I kept telling myself that I wouldn’t get together with you anymore, that I’d just lead a normal, but rather dull life. But it didn’t work out that way. I kept finding new ways to be with you. Eventually our marriage just dissolved.”

“She never found out who you were having an affair with, did she?”

“No, thank god. After I saw you at Christmas I knew it was the last time we could be together. Eventually Pamela was satisfied, but I never really recovered. I lost interest in a lot of things – especially her.”

“And I got married,” I said quietly. “That was my way out.”

“Yup. I know exactly how you feel right now, my love.”

He squeezed my hand harder.

“What am I going to do?” I asked.



“Nothing. You’re not going to call up Jake and tell him you’re fucking your cousin. You’re not going to divorce him. In fact, you’re not going to think about it anymore. Enjoy this weekend with me, cuz.”

I wiped the tears from my cheeks and smiled at him. God, how I loved him. He rolled over and kissed me tenderly.

“Beth, this is your weekend. We can do whatever you want.”


He laughed.

“Yes. We can stay in this room all weekend and fuck. We can go out dancing. I don’t çapa escort care. I just want to be with you and enjoy this short time together.”

I looked at the clock – it was Friday afternoon. We had two days and two nights to be together. I was determined to make the most of them. But tonight I wanted to take it a little slow with him. I wanted to enjoy just being with him without running around and acting crazy like we used to do. I told him and he couldn’t agree with me more.

We ordered up a feast from room service and gorged on fine cuisine and champagne. We smoked pot and hung out in the room. We made love leisurely. We snuggled in bed and fell asleep with the TV on. It was heaven, but it wasn’t over yet.

Robert was restless the next day. Although he didn’t complain about staying in the night before, I could tell he wanted to get a little wild.

“How wild?” I asked, laughing.

“As far as you are willing to take it. Do you know your limits?”

“Limits? I have no idea…I’ve been married…”

“Are you willing to find out?”

He looked at me seriously and I felt a curious rush of pleasure go through my body. I felt that at that moment everything we had done in the past was nothing compared to what he wanted to do. Or what I was willing to do.

“I want to try…with you,” I said in a small voice.

“I’ll be with you every step of the way, my love,” as he kissed me. “Just trust me, ok?”

“I will.”

The first thing I needed to do that day was go shopping. Robert wasn’t satisfied with the clothes I brought with me. I had thought they were sexy and a little daring, but he said they were way too conservative. He said I needed to be a little more daring. So he sent me on my way to find something while he made plans for the evening and worked out at the hotel gym.

So off I went to Hollywood as I felt the ‘daring’ clothes could be had there. It did take me a while, but I found an outfit that I thought he would like and I would like wearing. He still wasn’t back when I returned so I took a long, leisurely bath and decided to shave my pussy. I didn’t always do it, but I had a feeling he would appreciate it. The whole time I was preparing for the evening, I kept getting these waves of excitement washing over me. The only time I thought about Jake was when I removed my rings and put them into the safe.

When it was time to dress for our adventures, Robert had me lay out what I was to wear and stand in front of him nude.

“I have something special planned for us tonight. I think you’ll like it given our past experiences,” he chuckled. “However, anytime you want to stop, you just tell me.”

I wondered what it could be, but I just had to wait.

“Now come over here and sit in my lap,” he said.

I slid into his lap and he began to kiss my neck. I shut my eyes as his hands roamed all over my body until at last they began to squeeze my breasts. How they always ached for his touch. His fingers began to pinch my nipples very hard and when he finally lowered his head take one in his mouth I cried out softly.

He sucked and bit them until they throbbed. I wanted him to fuck me then and give me the release I so desperately needed, but he stopped. I pleaded with my eyes for him to continue but he shook his head.

“As much as I want to, I’m not. Now get dressed.”

I stood up and felt how wet my pussy was. When I went to reach for some tissue, he wouldn’t let me. My face got red as I realized what kind of night this might be. I started to dress and he told me how.

I slid on some stockings and a garter belt but I wasn’t allowed panties. Over that was a very soft suede mini skirt that just barely went below the line of my stockings. I had a nice satin strapless bra to use, but he wouldn’t let me. At this I complained a little, still a bit shy about going braless and I reminded him I wasn’t 20 anymore.

“I don’t care, they look great to me, so show them off,” he said.

I sighed and pulled on the lace wrap cross over top I bought. It was beige like my skirt and barely covered my breasts. My stiff nipples poked against the material and I realized why he spent so much time on them – he wanted them to be stiff and prominent all night.

I finished up with some thin strapped sandals and I few items of jewelry. He sat there and admired me. At last we were ready to go.

He came over to me and embraced me.

“Remember, I love you and we’re just going to have a little fun, ok? I would never let anything happen to you.”

I nodded and kissed him tenderly. “I trust you.”

First stop was dinner at yet another trendy restaurant in Beverly Hills. We entered the lobby and I found that Robert had reservations for us. We were also going to be joined by another person..

A good-looking blond man approached Robert and shook his hand warmly. He was a little taller than Robert and looked to be around 4 or 5 years younger. His hair was long and pulled back into a ponytail. He was dressed casually like Robert and his body was lean and hard. The two of them could sarıyer escort almost pass for brothers-

I gasped.


He turned and looked at me and smiled.

“How are you cousin?” he asked.

I shot a look at Robert and his face told me that everything was ok.

“I-I’m fine. I didn’t recognize you at first.”

He laughed. “Yeah, it’s been a while.”

“Well, let’s get our table and catch up,” suggested Robert as he took my hand.

We were escorted to a cozy booth in the corner. As I walked, the soft suede of my skirt rubbed against my bare ass sending little shivers up and down my spine. My nipples were hard again and I tried to avoid the stares of the other patrons and my tits jiggled with each step.

I wondered who Robert knew in order to get this little hide-away. We slid in and I sat in the middle flanked by each brother. My stomach was fluttering as I was so nervous. I hadn’t talked to Brett much since that long ago night in Pennsylvania. I had always worried about our ‘secret’.

When the waiter came, I ordered a martini. I needed something strong. Robert and Brett ordered beers and we sat back and chatted.

“So, are you living in LA?” I asked Brett.

“Yeah, I moved out here about 5 years ago. I went through a shitty divorce and needed a change of scenery.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I lost track,” I admitted.

He looked at me and grinned. “I haven’t lost track of you. My brother keeps me up to date.”

I laughed nervously and Robert squeezed my hand.

“So what do you do out here?” I asked.

Both the brothers laughed.

“What?” I asked, looking back and forth at them.

“Brett produces porn movies. He owns a company.”

I looked at Brett wide-eyed. “You’re kidding, right?”


Our drinks came and I took a big gulp of mine and set the glass down.

“What about Princeton and your promising career?” I asked him.

“I used it to build up my fortune. Plus, trust funds help.”

All three of us had benefited greatly by trust funds and there was no need to explain any further.

“It’s something I always wanted to dabble in,” he admitted. “After my divorce I decided to just do it and have some fun.”

I hadn’t watched much pornography in my life, but the whole thing seemed a bit sleazy to me. However, I didn’t tell him that. I guess if it made him happy, then he was entitled to it.

“No one in the family knows,” added Robert. “We just say he produces independent arty movies that no one ever sees.”

They both laughed.

“So here we are, the three black sheep with our own little secrets to hide,” Brett said as turned to look at me. He raised his beer and said: “Cheers.”

The first martini went down too quickly so I had another. We ordered dinner and I listened mostly as the brothers talked about different things. I started to loosen up a bit and got a little more comfortable with my what I was wearing and who was sitting next to me. Both brothers had moved a little closer to me in the booth.

When the food came, they attacked it, but I barely ate mine. I was still wondering what else Robert was going to surprise me with. I didn’t wait long as I felt Brett’s hand on my thigh. His hand was under the table and gliding up my sheer stockings to my hemline. He did this as he was talking to Robert. Robert knew what was going on and then his hand was on my other thigh. The color rose to my face as I sipped my third martini.

So as they carried on a conversation, their hands were moving up my legs. They both slipped under my skirt at the same time and Robert whispered to me to open up for them. I moved my legs apart and I felt their hands move to my inner thigh. I tried to focus on the conversation, but I couldn’t manage much. They, on the other hand, were acting like nothing was happening.

I looked around nervously at the other patrons, but everyone was so engrossed in their own meals and conversations, that no one noticed.

Robert’s fingers reached my slit first, followed by his brother’s. I choked back a moan as they gently teased my lips apart. I was still very wet from earlier and Brett let out a grunt of surprise when he felt my juices. I couldn’t see their faces as my gaze was vaguely focused down at my half eaten meal.

They both began to push their fingers into my wet snatch and wiggle them around. I bit my lip and balled my hands into fists. It felt so fucking good and so dangerous at the same time. My nipples were impossibly hard and pushing against the material of my top. Robert noticed and gave one a tweak. Again I choked back a moan and couldn’t believe what they were doing to me in this public place.

And still they talked, but their voices were lower and Brett was telling Robert about some of the movies he had produced. It was definitely a turn on, but I couldn’t say a word.

I even opened my legs some more and Robert whispered how much of a slut I was. Those words drove me crazy as their fingers went to work. Brett was fucking me with two fingers as Robert’s were working on my clit. Sweat was beginning to form on my forehead and my face was no doubt bright red. I had a spoon in my hand and I clenched it tightly. I was almost there and they knew it. Their fingers went faster and harder. My body was on fire and my nipples felt like they were going to burn a hole in my top.

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