17 Ekim 2024

The Secret Life of Artists Ch. 02

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Part two of those sexy artists. Cassandra was an older woman with a college lover in the first story, what will she get up to this time hmmmm? I appreciate you rating my stories! It lets me know what you want to read.

I spaced the six easels surrounded the posing bed Mike had left in the studio.

Just in time because the first student had arrived. After everyone arrived and made introductions, I began.

“Welcome to the first in a series of six painting classes you’ll have with me,” I smiled, looking around at the variety of people that had signed up for my first class.

“I know you are all at different levels of experience, but don’t worry, we’ll work at your pace. I kept the class small to enable me more time one on one you.”

I had them prepare sketch pads and art pencils. “No paint yet. Since we will be doing figure work, we need to have our proportions down before we can pick up a brush.” I sensed some disappointment at not getting to dive into the paint, which didn’t surprise me. “You’ll have five more classes where you will pick up your brushes. Soon!” I said laughing.

The model arrived and I situated her on the bed. I’d chosen experienced models so I didn’t have to worry about them and could concentrate on my students.

“Okay, you all can move your easels to whatever angle you’d like to sketch her from.” Interestingly enough the three women chose to sketch the back of our model, the men the front.

I walked around to judge their individual skill, pleased at how well they were doing. Figure drawing was tough to start.

Ted was probably a little older than me. Graying at the temples, but a well worn cowboy hat hid the rest. By his more muscular build, he wasn’t a weekend cowboy. This area in Florida has many small and massive beef and horse ranches, and it’s not unusual to see them riding their ranges on horseback.

“Doing very good, Ted… I didn’t think you’ve had much art experience?”

“Thanks,” he said stopping to survey his work. “I had art back in college but as you’d guess that was a longggg time ago. I needed a mental get away that wasn’t all about my work and thought I’d see how I did with a brush again.”

“Proportionally you’ve done a wonderful job,” I said and pointed to the area of her breast. “The radius is off between the two. Right here on the underside of her breast.” I pointed to the model. “See the curve isn’t fully round but drops from the nipple, then into the curve. And the undercurve is hidden on the other.” He nodded, and began redrawing.

“How’s it going, Millie?” I said to my most inexperienced student. She sat directly across from Ted and was drawing the back of the model. She came across as a bit meek, but nice.

“I think I’m doing okay?” She had done a wonderful job of the sweep of her back, the curve of her hip and the round ass.

“You’re doing more than okay! Continue on!”

I helped a few others, but overall I had a very talented class. The timer on my watch went off and I called break, going to get snacks and drinks. When I got back Millie was intently talking to Ted. Several others engaged me about my art and the others grouped off to chat.

I did notice a student talking to our model. I’m very protective of models. They most always get unwanted advances. Some men think because they pose nude, they’re all sex fiends. They pose because they either love to show off their bodies, love the money they make, or both.

“Okay people, I want you to move your easel to the opposite side you were on.” I heard some groans and laughed. “Yes, that’s why you’re doing it! I know you have your preferences.”

“May I see your final sketch, Ted?” He flipped the paper back over the pad. “You really got this! Very nice. Very very nice.” He had gone back and reworked her breasts and got everything right.

As I suspected, more had difficulties with the second half of the class. They chose the angle of the model they most liked, and now had to sketch the model from a persepective they probably didn’t like. As I pointed out problem areas, they understood and were able to get it right on rework. I felt good that they were all ready for paint next session.

“Thank you everyone, I hope you all were as pleased as I am. I see some real talent here and am anxious to let you loose with paint! Your time is up but feel free to stay and work on your sketches.”

Three left with sketchpads under their arms, one guy lingered, the model stayed a bit longer for him. Her choice, so totally fine by me. That left Millie and Ted, both concentrating on their work. At least Ted was, I thought, laughing to myself.

The student and model left. It was apparent Ted was uncomfortable from Millie’s attentions.

“Say Cassandra, if you have some time I have a few questions if you don’t mind.”

“Absolutely have time, Ted. Just let me help Millie out.” She started gathering her supplies and shoved them into her portfolio. “You did a great job today Millie! See you next canlı bahis week!” I locked the door behind her.

“I hope I don’t look too much like a schmuck,” Ted said ruefully.

“Not at all, It’s hard to gracefully turn down unwanted advances sometimes.” And I bet you get more than your share, I thought.

“Yeah, I’d guess you get more than your share of those,” he said at the same time.

“Unwanted advances?” I laughed, a little flustered. “Never been much of a problem.” Thinking that the first one to ever come on to me was Mike. My husband and I were high school sweethearts, so that never happened with him either.

“Well I find that difficult to believe. You are one sexy lady. And a nice one at that,” he smiled. “I haven’t run into many like you and when I do, they’re taken. I suspect you are as well.”

“No no, I’m a widow twenty years. I haven’t really dated much, and just…” I trailed off, not wanting to go into my relationship with Mike, which was not exactly a romance.

He nodded. “I’m a long time widower myself and with the ranch, just don’t have time to go out and meet anyone at a bar or whatever.” He hesitated. “That’s sort of why I’m here, I decided if I was going to take time away, I wanted to do something for me. I loved painting and always wanted to get back to it.”

“Yes yes,” I nodded, “no bars for me. Not that I’m a teetotaler by any means. I just don’t go for the bar scene. And at my age even…”

We went on to establish that he was only seven years older than me, had similar backgrounds and similar tastes.

“Hey, I don’t suppose you’d be interested in coming to dinner at the ranch? I make a mean steak and I’m sure we could find some wine, beer or whatever your pleasure.” I hesitated and he went on. “I hope you don’t feel I’m rushing us. It’s just that I’ve never been the type to play games. If I’m interested, I’m up front.”

“I’d love to see your ranch.”

Later I thought, are you nuts?! You just met the guy and you’re going on a date for gods sake. Yeah well, it’s not officially a date. No you’re going to his house! Yes I am. And with that I shut down the nag that at times took up residence on my shoulder.

“Sorry I don’t have a fancier ride, but most everything I do requires a pick up truck,” he said as we bounced back the quarter mile driveway.

I surreptitiously tightened my seat belt and said, “That’s okay. I don’t require anything fancy anyhow.” We laughed. “This is quite the ranch you have here.” Ranches in Florida are mostly vast expanses of a good deal of acreage. It’s all flatland in my area, so I could see seemingly for miles and not know where one ranch ends and the other begins.

“I started from scratch, a few head at a time, now there’re abouts a thousand head.” He slowed as we took a turn and the house appeared. “Here’s my abode. Nothing fancy here either so you’re in luck!” We laughed again.

“This is real Florida,” I said and he knew what I meant. The house had wide metal clad roof and overhangs on the west, east and south sides to keep the sun from shining in directly during the heat of the day. Hammocks and chairs dotted the porches invitingly.

“Yep. I built this house to fit the landscape but with new modern amenities. Installed a whole house generator just in case a hurricane decided to take down our electricity. .engineered wood for exterior siding as well as flooring. And… but this isn’t of any interest to you.”

“But I’m actually very interested in how you build a new home to look like it has been part of the land forever.” He smiled, helping me down from the high truck.

“Okay but enough of that for now. Lets get out of this heat.”

“Oh those doors!” I exclaimed when I saw the wooden double entry doors.”They gorgeous!”

“They were hand carved by a craftsman. I’m not surprised an artist would recognize another’s art.”

“That fireplace,” I exclaimed, like an excited child. The fire place took up the entire wall of the living room, a heavy beam for the mantle and a high hearth.

He chuckled. “I appreciate those that are good at their art I guess. The stones were hauled in and hand set, the beam was rough sawn at a mill and everything was hauled down from Georgia.”

“We can have a fire later if it cools down.” I wandered the room as he went on. The furniture was sturdy leather, but softened from use. The kind you want to curl up in with a book in front of a blazing fire.

He went into the kitchen and began getting dinner together. “Feel free to look around, Cass. Everything is ready, all I have to do is put the steaks on the grill when we’re ready to eat.”

As I slid onto the stool at the island where he was working, I noticed the kitchen had all the higher end amenities. “I have friends that would kill for this kitchen. I would if I could actually cook!” We laughed.

“I confess, I love to cook,” he said shrugging. “My Mama taught me young to be self sufficient or carry kaçak iddaa my share of the load,” he said proudly. “I have to say it’s more fun to cook for someone else than just myself. I’m glad you are here, Cass.”

“Me too,” I replied softly as a little charge shot through the air.

The ice tinkled in the glasses of scotch he’d poured as he began to walk me through his home. I hadn’t had much more than wine in years, so I had to be careful. I took another sip of the cold smooth alcohol and shivered when it spread through my body, tingling in my arms and legs.

“Are you cold, Cass??” He put his arm around me and rubbed my arm up and down. Cold, I thought. Cold?! No, that’s not the word I’d use.

“I am, a bit,” I said and he pulled me closer. The top of my head came just under his chin, so we were a perfect fit.

He set our glasses on a hall table and wrapped his arms around me. Yes, we were a perfect fit. I snuggled in like I belonged there, and I felt the vibration of a moan in his chest.

“Feel warmer?” Warmer?! I’m melting for gods sake. I’ll be a puddle carnal goo at your feet in a minute.

“Yes, a little.” He started stroking his hands up and down my back. I’d worn shorts and a low back tank top, so some of those strokes were his hands on my skin. Oh yeah.

Cassandra, have you turned into a nympho for crying out loud?! He’s simply holding me because I’m cold. Right. You’re ready to jump his bones. Never! Not on a first date… Right?

First mistake was I looked up as he looked down, and as you can imagine our lips were in kissing proximity. I closed my thoughts to the nag, stood up on tiptoe and brushed his lips with mine. It was as though the flood gates broke. He lifted me higher into a deeper kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck. And let the flames burn hot.

He cupped my ass and pulled me close. “What you do to me, Cass. I wanted to kiss you like this in your studio. I’ve been so drawn to you, I haven’t been able to think straight.”

I wanted to say a lot, but the words wouldn’t come out and he slowly lowered me to the floor. I didn’t want him to take my silence as rejection. ‘Ted, I’ve wanted to do this since you were at my door this evening. We’re not kids and I don’t know what’s etiquette for dating anymore because I haven’t really had a date in a long time and the one I had wasn’t…” I rambled…

“Lets take it as it comes, Cass,” he said, smoothing my hair back from my face. I think we can leave all that what to do or not on our first date for the teenagers to worry about. Us, we can do as we damn well please, as long as we both want the same thing.”

Geez this guy could read my mind already. “Yes, okay. I will do what I want to do!” He laughed and I realized what I said. “Sort of.” I blushed like a teenager.

“I like your attitude woman,” he kissed me tenderly. I held the side of his face, and tipped my head to nibble on his lower lip.

He moaned and said, “Lets eat. I have a feeling I’m going to need some nourishment.” I blushed but didn’t reply.

By the time we finished the fabulous meal, I’d also had time to cool off and think rationally. Take it slow, Cassandra. I know I know but I’m so attracted to him. He’ll still be here, he doesn’t seem to want to run away. Right, if nothing else I’ll see him at my art classes.

He threw some kindling and logs in the fireplace. “Since it’s still a little warm out, I’m not going to build a big fire so the heat runs us out.”

“Yeah, we don’t need any more heat in here,” I mumbled and he turned and laughed. I didn’t think he’d heard me. Yeesh Cassandra, get it together.

We both opted for iced tea after dinner he brought it in and sat next to me on the leather sofa.

“I’m glad you enjoyed your meal Cass. Maybe I can talk you into coming back for more.” He realized what he said and added, “Dinner.”

Pretty lame but good save, the nag said. Oh shut up. He’s a gentleman, obviously. He could have taken advantage of me earlier but didn’t. Okay you have a point there but don’t get carried away again tonight!

“Of course! I want to see the rest of your house next time.” Him warming me up in the hall had curtailed the rest of the tour.

“Would you like to see it now?”

“No!” I said too quickly. “Next time is fine. Something to look forward too.” Talk about lame. But I wasn’t about to tour his bedroom. Poor guy probably wouldn’t have seen the sun tomorrow. Shush.

The next day felt normal because I was back in my paint splotched overalls and painting in my studio in zen mode. The hours flew by and I realized I hadn’t eaten. Or thought about my dilemma with Ted.

Am I attracted to him just for the sex… I needed to figure that out. I surely didn’t need a relationship, I was a busy woman and had no time for romance. I picked up a pickle spear and tapped it on my lips, thinking. I’m sure he is only interested in a few hours of fun in the sack. I nibbled the end of the pickle, kaçak bahis realizing what I was doing I threw it on my plate.

Class day was here and I was ridiculously nervous. Ted was the last to arrive and was greeted immediately by Millie. She might be the answer to my quandary… Millie obviously was interested in Ted. She was a little mousy, but they say those kind are tigers behind closed doors. To her delight, the only easel open was next to her, so Ted settled in.

I addressed them all as to what we were doing in today’s class. “Today you can get your paints out. We have a new model coming in that you’ll find is quite different than the last.” I smiled. “In fact you’ll find each model we have will be much different from the others.”

There was a method to that. The males in the class wouldn’t get ‘hooked’ on a model which would be a distraction. And it was the same for the model. Just kept things fresh besides being a challenge every week.

Suze came in and I helped situate her on the bed. I told her I had no particular poses in mind and to do what she wanted. She was an experienced model, was an artist herself so knew what artists needed. She was also quite Rubenesque. She had flaming red hair that hung like a cloud over her ample breasts. Any breeze moved her hair, which could be a challenge when you’re painting her.

Ted asked, “Can we paint from another place?”

“Sure, move your easel wherever you like. Any of you.”

To Millie’s disappointment Ted moved away. Two others moved and I wandered, looking over shoulders. They were wisely blocking in with pencil first. I noticed one of the guys had caught the model’s eye and smiled, and she winked back. Everyone was doing extremely well and I was able to offer ideas to improve their painting.

I stood behind Ted and he turned and smiled. “You’re doing an amazing job of getting her skin tones,” I said. Along with the wild free red hair, came the creamy white skin that was hard to mix paint for the contouring.

“Thanks! I’m really enjoying this.” He was painting in her smoothly shaved pubes and I wondered if that’s what he preferred, but immediately snapped back to reality. Seemed as though he read my mind, he looked at me and winked.

I prepared lunch and brought everything into the studio. More comfortable this time, they all dug in chattering away and laughing.

Ted walked over and whispered in my ear, “Missing anyone?” I looked around.

“Yes! Wonder where they went?”

Ted motioned for me to follow him. We cut between some of Mike’s photo equipment and stood where we were hidden from the couple on the chair. What I saw was so hot the room began to spin and Ted pulled me back against him.

Our curvaceous model was seated in the wing back chair, with her legs spread wide and hanging over each arm. Her admiring student had his face buried between those silky thighs having a private lunch. His hands were full of her voluptuous tits. Kneading and pinching her long nipples.

Ted’s arms went around me and I realized my chest was heaving and I was trying to catch my breath. I’d never seen anything like that before and I was aroused beyond comprehension. Then I realized I was grinding back against Ted’s erection.

“Oh baby,” he whispered in my ear which only served to inflame me further. Waves of heat rolled through my body as I watched.

He stood up, his face wet from her juices. She sat up, yanked his pants to his knees and sucked his cock into her mouth in nearly one motion. He threaded his fingers through those bedeviled curls while he fucked her mouth. Her fingers were gouged into his ass as though he would run away. Just as he was ready to cum, Ted pulled me away and back through the equipment.

“Take a moment before you come out, Cass,” he said, straightening my disheveled hair, which made me wonder how it got that way.

I walked over to the table and started cleaning up what was left of the food, practically running it back to my kitchen. I splashed some cold water on my face and went back to the studio.

Ted painted but watched me. I couldn’t look at him and went through the motions until the class mercifully ended.

Hot surprisingly Ted was the last to go. He walked to the door, locked it and came back. “Do you have any wine in your kitchen?” I nodded.

He held my hand and made his way to the kitchen. I sat on the island stool unsure of what just happened. He set a big glass of wine in front of me and I downed it.

“Easy, Cass,” he said pushing the empty glass aside. “Are you okay?”

“I’m just so embarrassed. I’ve led a pretty sheltered life and I’ve never seen anything like that before. I mean it’s not like I haven’t…” I trailed off.

“It’s okay honey,” he stood beside me and held my head against his chest and softly rubbed. It was so relaxing.

“I mean it really excited me to watch. I’d never thought that of myself,” I murmured against his chest.

“It’s okay to discover new things about ourselves. I’ve never watched anything like that for any length of time, just a glance. It was a pretty new feeling to me too, honey, and just as arousing.”

I looked up and being on the stool put me almost at his level. I stroked the side of his face.

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