16 Ekim 2024

Naughty Time Ch. 03

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My mother had laughed the comment off, though I was surprised at my Aunt’s obvious referral to my actually looking at mom’s tits. It was treated with good-natured humor however, and if anything, I honestly do believe mom was actually flattered a little, knowing that I had.

“Well, I need to get down and shower and then get ready to head out,” I told them both. Though truth be told, I still had a lot to do in preparing for what I hoped would be an interesting afternoon. I would use the time, pretending to shower to further set things up as I’d lay awake half the night just thinking about it, planning and scheming.

Though it was now obvious I had been in fact, watching and talking to the two of them, I still wasn’t one hundred percent sure who it was that was if fact, “Naughty Time.” For weeks now I’d been conversing, trying to recall conversations we’d had, things we’d discussed, shared with one another. So many similarities that now made more sense, though I couldn’t find a single one that would lean one way or the other more than any other. I had myself told half-truths, so I knew the likelihood of either one of them doing the same was very likely.

“You two enjoy yourselves…watching your movie,” I’d added as I soon after excused myself and headed back down to my room again. Even as I did that, there was no mistaking the nervous excitement I saw passed between them through their looks and half smiles. I even hesitated, pausing on the first step before heading down to my room. Though neither spoke loud enough for me to hear, I heard a shared giggle, whispered comments, and then they also headed back upstairs to the bedroom.

I reached the landing, but instead of heading into my own room, I made a quick detour down the hall to the laundry room. I had made a commitment of my own, and had every intention of honoring it, though it would also hopefully buy me the time I would eventually need.

Reaching the laundry room I quickly began pawing through the clothes that mom would soon be washing and folding. Though I had never once entertained such a notion before, I now found myself curiously aroused as I sifted through the clothes in mom’s hamper. And even as I did that, I then began to formulate another plan, one I wasn’t totally sure I would implement, but if the situation proved itself out that I may, then I knew how it was I would bring it about.

I pulled two pairs of my mother’s panties from the wash and quickly headed back to my own room.

I was at least glad that mom didn’t wear what some might call, “granny panties”. And though she certainly didn’t wear thongs, or even bikini panties, she did wear nice women’s briefs, and even had a couple of pair of women’s boxers, though to be honest I’d never seen her wearing those either even though they had been in the wash. I had taken however two other pairs, one of which I would use in a moment in fact as I finished doing what I now needed to do.

It was an odd sensation for me, though I had to admit, it felt strangely good too. Sitting there using them stroking my cock, filming it. Although I was already aroused enough as it was, just from what I soon knew would be happening, the actual sensation of sitting there masturbating with a pair of my own mother’s briefs was oddly arousing.

When I had recorded at least five full minutes of me sitting there amusing and enjoying myself, which I had. I then downloaded the short quick video off my camera onto my desktop, and then readied that for use later. The timing of which would be crucial, absolutely necessary for what I was planning to do, especially needing the time in which to do it.

The other nice feature of my room that I was now very grateful for, was the private entrance I had. Though I still usually left by the backdoor as I usually did, it was nice having it, so I could enter late at night coming home without worrying about waking mom or dad. It was how I would return now, after driving down the street, parking the car in the parking lot of the same grocery store we had gone to the previous day. Having done so in fact, further safeguarded just parking it somewhere on the street and inadvertently having them spot it should they decide to go out. The likelihood of mom returning to the store was highly remote. And especially if it were their intention of staying home with the hopes of contacting me not too long after I had left. I was banking on the fact they would wait a while at least before doing so after I had supposedly gone. Long enough at least to park the car, then jog back, slipping back into the house, into my own room through my own private entrance. Neither one of them aware of that fact that I had.

I quickly packed an overnight bag to carry up the stairs with me after first double checking everything I had done. I’d even gone so far as to drape a towel over my chair, just in case. I’d turned on my camera, double checked the settings keeping it close, though removing anything that might be seen off to the sides and thus recognized. I’d even gone so yenimahalle escort far as to hang up a pair of white sheets behind me further obscuring the view and making it appear as though I had plain simple walls adorning my room should they even notice that. Satisfied, I made my way back up the stairs.

By now, both my mother and my Aunt and dressed, but it was even obvious in that, they had no intention of going out, especially seeing my mother. She rarely if ever went braless, especially if she had any intention of going out. Now sitting there at the kitchen table, still drinking coffee, I noticed the tight form-fitting tee shirt she had on, obviously not wearing a bra. That and a pair of comfortable looking shorts, those these too, she’d have never worn out except perhaps to work outside in the yard. My Aunt too was similarly dressed, though what she wore of course, looked perfectly normal on her, something I would expect for her to wear, though she wore no shoes, standing there in her bare feet as I entered the room, carrying my overnight case with me.

“Well, I’m off,” I told them both, leaning over to give mom a kiss good-bye, doing so on the lips once again, lingering once again for that briefest of moments before turning to then do the same to my Aunt. “Have a good time you two, try and enjoy yourselves, and simply have fun,” I added.

“Oh, we will!” Aunt Kathy had said almost a little too quickly, especially by the way mom looked at her before turning to me, handing me the keys to the car.

“I’m not sure we’ll be going anywhere, or doing anything, just watching TV or something,” mom quickly added, though my Aunt has spoken as a follow up whispering so softly that even mom didn’t hear, though I easily read her lips when she did.

“Or something…”

I soon after left, heading out towards the car, and then quickly headed down the street towards the grocery store.


It had taken me less than a half an hour to make it back to the house after I had parked the car. Cutting through a back alley and then onto a service road, I stayed well below the fence the moment the house came into view. There was only one moment when I could have been spotted, opening the gate and then slipping a few feet from there across the yard before reaching my private opening.

Reasonably confident I hadn’t been seen, I quietly slipped into the house and into my room. I was somewhat relieved to see no instant message waiting for me, though I was logged on to the site in anticipation of there soon being one. Everything was ready, all I could do now was sit quietly and wait for Naughty Time to finally contact me.

Even though I was expecting it, I was still startled when I heard the familiar ding.

Naughty time: “You there?”

I responded back almost immediately. Home Alone: “With bated breath!”

Naughty time: “LOL, with mastur-bated breath?” she had typed.

“Doing that too.”

“Get your web-cam fixed?”

“Oh yeah, already for you.”

“You doing what I asked?”


“Let’s see.”

It was time. I turned on the camera quickly checking to ensure I gave nothing away, the sheet curtain behind me effectively obscuring any familiarities within my room. My cock hard and stiff with anticipation, the excitement level I’d been feeling…was feeling beyond the norm.

“Nice…” she typed obviously looking at me. “Here we come too,” she now added, a second later her invite on screen allowing me access to her web-cam appeared. The image of them slowly clearing until I now sat looking at my Aunt and mother sitting side by side in two of the kitchen chairs they had obviously dragged up to my fathers study. I could see no more of them of course than they could see of me. I had quite naturally agreed early on that we’d never reveal our faces or identities to one another. Knowing that we lived in the same approximate locale, Naughty Time had been explicit about doing so, wanting to ensure and maintain her anonymity. I had to promise that in order for her to show me what she had so far on the cam. They both had on very sexy, very revealing nightgowns, which I chuckled at knowing. They had obviously scurried upstairs shortly after I had left in order to dress themselves and make ready for this. And though I still had no clue as to which one was which as I sat there looking at the two of them, I at least had somewhat of a starting point. Naughty Time wore red, the other a likewise sheer black that did little to fully conceal their magnificent breasts. Both my Aunt and mother had large breasts, similar in size and shape, or so it appeared. The brief individual glances at each once again giving off no clues as to which ones belonged to whom.

“You like?” She asked.

“Very much, very sexy…very hot,” I responded back. “Please…let me see your ‘tits’ side-by-side,” I now asked, remembering Naughty’s preference for the word.

“Show us the panties first,” she teased. I reached over picking them up and now ankara escort held them up for each to see. I was momentarily nervous, though the panties I now held up were of a generic style that were no doubt worn by several women. “Wrap them around your cock,” came the prompt, which I did. And then typed back.

“Show me your tits.”

Naughty slowly untied the small bows holding the front of her sheer top together. In moments it had parted, revealing the magnificent shape and swell of her full breasts. Her nipples amazingly hard, thick and erect as she actually reached up thumbing one of them, though to my delight and surprise, the other dressed in black though I still had no idea which one was which, now reached over likewise toying with and thumbing the other one as Naughty typed.

“Use the panties, stroke it,” she asked. I did so, working my cock, slowly pumping it up and down with the pale white briefs I held in my hand surrounding it.

The one in black soon joined her, likewise parting her sheer top, now looking at the two of them sitting side-by-side totally bare breasted, and again very similar looking. The only real noticeable difference being that I could see, was that Naughty’s nipples seemed slightly darker pink in color, and somewhat larger in appearance. Beyond that, they were remarkably the same size and shape.

“So, do you always get together and play like this?” I asked, curious, and nervously excited to see the answer.

“Not as often as we once did, but whenever we can…yes,” came the response. “You like seeing two women touching one another?” she now asked.

“Fuck yes! Especially you two. Two hot looking MILF’s,” I typed.

“Oh, so you’re a mother fucker are you?” She then LOL’d.

I paused for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to that. And then typed, “No…I never have, but I’ve fantasized about that, does that shock you?”

“No, not really. We’ve both enjoyed a few similar fantasies ourselves,” she informed me. “Keep stroking…” she then asked. “It’s hot watching you do that…are those your mothers or your sisters panties?”

“Moms,” I simply said continuing to do so now for them. “And you’re making me very horny doing this…looking at you two. I’d like to see you do more too,” I now asked hoping that I would.

To my delight, I now saw the one in black reach over between them her hand coming down into Naughty’s lap. Naughty spread her legs slightly, revealing as she did so, she was wearing a matching pair of crotchless panties. I could only assume that they both were as the woman’s hands now parted the slick looking folds of Naughty’s pussy. I found myself holding my breath as she slipped a finger inside her, now working it.

“You mean like that?”

“Oh yes…yes, fuck yes! Keep doing that while I watch you two!”

“Keep stroking your cock with the panties for us,” came her reply.

It was the perfect moment to implement my plan, though even then there was considerable risk, with no real hope for success even when I did.

“I’m going to sit back so you can see, and watch me a little better while I do,” I told them both. “I’ll show you all the naughty, nasty things I can do to myself with my mother’s cum-crotched panties,” I had added. I had no idea of course if they really were, and chuckled inwardly that I’d actually not even inspected them. But the immediate response to having said that was apparent.

“Does that turn you on? Jerking off with your own mother’s soiled panties? Knowing that’s her dried up pussy juice clinging to the crotch?”

“Yes, admittedly, it is.”

I then watched as Naughty likewise slid her hand into the other woman’s crotch, her fingers immediately beginning to tickle the woman’s slit. The camera just close enough to allow me to see the wet glistening moisture of the woman’s pussy as Naughty fingered her, sliding in and out of her for several moments, then sitting back, allowing the other woman to do the same thing to her.

“Keep doing that to one another,” I now asked. “While I sit back and watch you for a couple of minutes, while you two watch me.”

I had carefully prepared and planned this. It was now or never, though I was scared as hell that I’d still fuck it up.

“I’m going to readjust my seat a little so you can see me better,” I then told them, and stood up, for a second vacating my chair. As I did, I hit “play” on my prerecorded video I’d made earlier already loading it into the cam so they could see it. There was only a brief disruption of image, and then just as quick what appeared to be me sitting back down again, panties in hand wrapped around my dick as I sat there stroking it. What they were looking at now, was what I’d recorded earlier. I stood off to one side watching their cam, waiting to see if there were any concerns on their part. But they too had sat back some away from the keyboard, both now openly finger-fucking one another, and likewise touching one another’s breasts.

I headed quietly towards the door to my room, and then up the steps into the house.


It seemed like it took an eternity to quietly climb the steps leading upstairs into the house though I knew I had made it within less than a minute. Having reached the landing, I still had to stop briefly taking a breath. I’d been holding it. I stood there listening, though my father’s study was at the far end of the hall around the corner. I could hear them, a brief giggle or two here and there, along with what was no doubt pleasured sighs coming from each as they sat side-by-side playing with one another while I watched them. Or so they believed hopefully.

I stepped, took another, still listening padding down the hall in bare feet, naked…aroused.

“God look at that cock, it’s so beautiful, so hard!” I heard mom saying.

“Yeah, wouldn’t you like to be sucking that, or fucking that right now!” Aunt Kathy stated, “I know I would! Look at him work that fucker with his own mother’s panties,” Kathy had added. “Makes you wonder doesn’t it? Think Kyle would ever do something like that with a pair of yours?”

I froze in my tracks only a few feet from the corner. My heart was in my throat, and I knew now by the way I could clearly hear them that the door to my father’s study was open. I had to be very quiet as I approached, still not knowing how much I dared to look, or what I’d even see when I did? Would it be enough to tell me? But I was also waiting to hear mom’s response.

“Kyle? I doubt it, he’d probably never even think of such a thing, especially about his own mother,” mom told her. “And quit talking like that,” she then added. “You’ll spoil the mood for me. I’d hate to think what Kyle would think if he were to see you and I sitting here like this.”

“Oh I don’t know Darlene, you might be surprised, I happen to know with a great deal of certainty, that your son’s into much older women.”

“Maybe so…but not his own mother…or Aunt for that matter,” she offered. I took another step, preparing to peek around the wall peering hopefully into the room.

“Well, let’s at least give him something more to enjoy here,” Aunt Kathy said. “Lets see how he likes us standing tit to tit for him, fingering one another while we do.”

Time was running out, I was dangerously close to not having time enough as it was and make it safely back before the video ended. But I had to look…I just had to. Even if I had only a second or two in which to do so. I poked my head around the corner. They were standing there facing one another, breasts pressing against one another, hands down between one another’s legs, sure enough…finger-fucking one another as they did.

And…they were totally naked.


The problem was, I was now out of time. As much as I wanted to wait, hoping to see them turn, though even then, at this distance, there was still no guarantee. I had to get back, there was no other choice, turning to do so just as mom spoke.

“Damn, his image froze! I hope he’s not having trouble with his web cam again!

I slipped down the hall as fast as I dared, though doing so quietly. Already my mind a whirlwind of thought, trying to come up with some reasonable excuse…explanation. Just coming to one as I opened the door to my room slipping inside. The movie had indeed ended, I’d taken longer than I thought the image of me sitting there cock in hand, mom’s panties still wrapped around it now frozen in time.

There was also a message waiting for me.

“Home alone…you still there?”

I sat down, killing the video, and not too surprisingly no longer erect either. I typed back a response.

“Sorry, everything froze up there for a moment, including my keyboard. Had to reboot,” I typed hoping that would explain it.

“Oh, we were wondering what happened, is it fixed now?” She then asked.

“Yes, unfortunately, I lost the video of you two after you took the rest of your clothes off…so I never got to see what happened after that,” I lied hoping it sounded good…plausible.

“Oh that’s a shame, then you missed us titty-kissing one another, and of course…finger-fucking one another too,” she laughed giving me another LOL.

“Yeah, I did…would you do it for me again?” I asked.

“Did you already come?” She now asked. “If you did…then we missed it,” she typed. “Your pricks not hard any more!”

“Yeah I did…but I can do it again if you’ll give me something to look at while I do,” I suggested.

“Will it take long? I’m not sure how much longer we dare stay on line,” she now told me.

Now I was growing desperate. I knew dad would be home tomorrow, which meant this would be Kathy’s last night here with mom. No telling when how long it would be when the two of them would ever be together like this again. Although I had prepared for this, I still wasn’t certain of my doing it. So many things could happen…go wrong. She might in fact not even recognize, or realize when I did it. And the response in an of itself might not be exactly what I was hoping for either.

But it was once again now or never. And I was already getting hard again, which they could easily see as they sat there together, once again side by side again…though naked.

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